It has been 5 days since driving 24 hours back from Cayo Costa State Park in Florida. Spring Break came at a perfect time. Not that I'm too overwhelmed from school or sick of Chicago, there were other reasons. This semester has been better than last, but is still not as I would like it to be. Spring Break was a perfect escape with my very best friends.
There were 6 of us total. 3 of my best girl friends; Hannah Ahlem, Chelsey Trogstad, and Anna Chybowski. Along also came Jonatan and Thor, the testosterone for the week. The road trip was a blast, although we did run into a few strange people on the highway. We spotted all but about 5 state license plates on the road.
In Florida, the first couple days we crashed at our friends house they rented for the week. Spent some time at the beach and then watched them play "games" and had a fun bonfire. After about 2 days of that fun, we headed to our final destination: Cayo Costa.
After a 30 minute tow boat ride out to the State Park Island, we unloaded our camping supplies and hopped on the tram. That night we set up camp and ate a delicious meal. On the island, we spent our days fishing, laying out, exploring, eating, and having bonfires. Later on in the week, Jonatan and Thor met a couple of guys our age that were SHARK fishing at night. The boys quickly became obsessed with our new friends and wanted to learn all they could about shark fishing. The last 3 nights in Florida we spent laying on the beach in our sleeping bags while the boys reeled in an average of 3 sharks a night!! They caught Lemon sharks, bull sharks, and sandbar sharks. It was pretty sweet. By far the best/most interesting spring break adventure!
This trip made me realize that I am so lucky to have my friends. (not that I didn't know that already!) But seriously, I may not have as many girl friends as I once did as a freshman, but I know that I have fewer but closer best friends now. It doesn't matter the quantity of friends one has, but the quality. I know that I have quality friends at my fingertips. Friends that are going through the same things as me and friends that hold the same life values as I do.
Sometimes, I'm not going to lie, I get frustrated or irritated with them, but we always get through it. I'm sure they feel the same about me at times!
Friendship is very important to me and I am so thankful for the friends I have. I love them and they make things like Spring Break and road trips super great!!
Here's some pictures from our trip!