Wake up, go to class, come home, eat a meal, go on the computer, go on facebook, check e-mail, listen to music, go to meetings, see friends, check phone, send a text, receive a text, eat another meal, go work out, go to another meeting, go on facebook again...etc...
Recently I feel like this is all I have been doing. Continuously moving and doing things that I don't necessarily want to be doing, but do anyways. Worrying about summer plans, finals, money, friends, and more. Why? Because if you don't worry, it doesn't mean that you care? That is usually what people seem to say. "You're not worried about what you're doing after school?" "Do you think you should really give your money away? When are you going to get a job?"
Not worrying doesn't mean not taking action. Not worrying is giving your worries and thoughts over to God. But also, not sitting back and saying, "okay, God, it's up to you now, I'm going to just sit here and wait for you to give me whatever I am asking." Instead it's taking steps forward and seeing which doors God opens and closes. I'm not sure what this has to do with being on autopilot. Maybe what I'm saying is that once you stop worrying and praying is when you're on autopilot.
Not a good place to be. We all have those days when we may feel this way. What we simply have to do is push through and at the end of the day- start prayin'.

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