It's now Saturday and a week of Senior High campers all just left. Man, what a week. I was lucky with having a cabin full of great girls that all got along. The week was full of crazy activities, such as: Braveheart, Gladiator, Highlander, waterfront games, dance party, fireworks and a bunch of other fun things.
Senior High week is a hard one. Hearing about these girls' lives and all the crap that they have gone through is heartbreaking. Girls ages 14 and 15 are going through things that they shouldn't even be exposed to; things that I haven't even been exposed to. But throughout the week, God showed His love to them. Talking with the girls and hearing about how they have loved getting to know all the other girls in the cabin and at camp was really cool. Hearing about the ways that they want to change was encouraging and the way they worshiped God through the week was also encouraging.
I realized this week that I really enjoy giving advice. I like to hear about what is going on in the lives of people and then allowing the Holy Spirit to work in me in order to encourage others. That is definitely one way that I felt like God used me this week.
I am exhausted and ready to rest today. Tomorrow 8-9th grade campers come and I get to go to the Island all week for the first time to counsel! I can't wait!!
God has worked in extraordinary ways this week and I pray that he continues his work in the lives of all the campers that return home to some really tough situations.
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